An old video from the year 2022, featuring Virat Kohli and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has gone viral on social media. The video shows former India skipper Virat Kohli, one of the fittest cricketers in the world, explaining the importance of Yo-Yo test to PM Modi as the duo interacted in the Fit India Dialogue in 2022. 

This comes on the back of Board of Control for Cricket in India's (BCCI) review meeting on Sunday, during which the apex board had decided to make Yo-Yo test and DEXA Test mandatory for selection in the national team. 

“This Test was very important from fitness point of view. If  we talk about global fitness level, our fitness level is still low compared to other teams and we want to take it up, which is a basic requirement," Kohli told PM Modi.

“I’m the one who goes to run first and this is the condition that if I fail that I am also not available for selection. It is important to set that culture and it will lead to improvement in overall fitness levels," he added.

What is Yo-Yo Test?

In this test, a player has to run continuously between two cones kept 20 meters apart.  When the software gives the first beep, a player runs from one corner to the other.  When the player reaches the second cone, a second beep is heard.  In this way the time is recorded and finally through the fitness score the software tells whether the player is fit or not.