After the death of a 17-year-old student at the prestigious Jadavpur University, former India skipper Sourav Ganguly has commented on the issue. He said colleges should come up with strict laws to reduce such activities. "These are places for studying. Has to be very strict. They need strict laws...That should be the main focus”, said Sourav Ganguly.

Jadavpur University has sent a detailed report to the University Grants Commission (UGC) on several questions regarding the death of a 17-year-old undergraduate student due to alleged ragging and sexual assault. Registrar Snehamanju Basu told news agency PTI that the university sent a detailed compliance report answering questions regarding the alleged ragging and sexual harassment of the student along with documentary evidence before the deadline of 12 am on Thursday.

Back on August 9, a 17-year-old student died after falling from the second-floor balcony of the boys' hostel near the campus. According to the family, he was ragged. As per the police, nine people have been arrested so far in this case. Meanwhile, the Jadavpur University anti-ragging committee has also submitted its report on the matter to the UGC, on its preliminary findings into the death of Swapnadip Kundu, as reported by PTI. 

"The boy's death was extremely tragic. A police investigation is underway and we want the guilty to be punished."

Earlier after the incident, West Bengal Governor Dr CV Ananda Bose who is also the Chancellor of Jadavpur University, went to the hostel and consoled the student’s father. As per the latest reports, the University Grants Commission informed the university that the latter has not taken proactive steps to curb ragging, and the commission is not happy with the report submitted by the university’s anti-ragging committee in the wake of the incident.