New Delhi: Keeping in mind the safety of fans, players and staff, in view of the protests over the Citizenship Amendment Act in Assam, the Indian Super League (ISL) announced that the match between NorthEast United FC and Bengaluru FC at Guwahati will be played on Wednesday in front of empty stands."

Indian Super League Match 40 in Guwahati between NorthEast United FC and Bengaluru FC, scheduled on Wednesday, December 18, will now be played behind closed doors," ISL  said in a statement."The decision has been taken by Football Sports Development Limited after due consultation and guidance from the city authorities. The League holds the safety of fans, players and staff of paramount importance, which has led to this decision," the statement added.

Protests had erupted in several parts of Assam after the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was passed by Parliament last week. The Bill became an act after receiving Presidential assent. Curfew has now been relaxed in Guwahati and Dibrugarh during the day time. The protests  had affected daily life in Assam and elsewhere in the North-East.

Meanwhile, NorthEast United FC holds the fifth spot on the table with 10 points while Bengaluru FC are placed on the third spot with 13 points. Bengaluru FC have played eight matches in the league while NorthEast United FC  gained their points from seven games.