Rishabh Pant has been declared fit as a wicketkeeper-batter by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). In an official statement, the Indian Cricket Board said: "After undergoing an extensive 14-month rehab and recovery process, following a life-threatening road mishap on December 30th, 2022, @RishabhPant17 has now been declared fit as a wicket-keeper batter for the upcoming #TATA @IPL 2024 👏👏."
Notably, Pant was driving from Delhi to his hometown of Roorkee in December 2022 when his car lost control and rammed into the divider. Pant received primary medical treatment at a private hospital in Dehradun before he was airlifted to Mumbai where he was under the medical supervision of BCCI's empanelled doctor Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala.
Rishabh Pant Set To Lead DC In IPL 2024
With Pant missing out on IPL 2023 after his accident, it was David Warner who led the team in his absence, not to much success, however as they finished ninth on the points table with 10 points. Now with Pant deemed fit as a wicketkeeper-batter, there is no doubt that he would be back at the helm of affairs from DC's first match. The franchise will also look for a change in fortunes as they aim their maiden title in the competition.
"First time in my life I felt like my time in this world is up. During the accident I was aware of the wounds, but I was lucky as it could have been even more serious. I was feeling that someone saved me. I asked the doctor how long will it take for me to recover, he said it would take 16-18 months. I knew I had to work hard to cut this recovery time," Pant had said in an interview with Star Sports while recalling the accident.