Before the start of the match on Sunday, which was abandoned due to rain without a ball being bowled, the crowd sang Vande Mataram in absolute synchronization. The 23-second video, tweeted by BCCI along with a caption, "Guwahati, you beauty #INDvSL", received 365.3K views, 9.5K retweets and 53.9K likes.
A user on micro-blogging site wrote, "2011 World Cup final wali feeling aa rahi h."
"I am a Sri Lankan. But moments I get goosebumps because of @arrahman music and fans...", said another.
A Twitterati stated, "That's the game sprint. Cricket is the religion of india and @sachin_rt God of cricket."
Another post read, "That's proof that we #Assamese are proud Indians but #AssamRejectsCAA #jaiaaiaxom."