Mumbai: The sporting world generally, and the basketball world in particular, is largely on a time out due to the ongoing lockdowns stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic which has wreaked havoc across the world.

However, the Indian basketball community was recently in for a treat as Memphis Grizzlies head coach Taylor Jenkins on Wednesday conducted a historic first-ever webinar with basketball coaches from across the Indian sub-continent.

Alongside Jenkins, renowned coach David ‘Shot Doctor' Jones from Shooting For Success, was also present to answer participants' questions.

"I can't wait to come to India and demonstrate this in person," Jenkins said, during the two-hour long session that had questions constantly pouring in from grassroots coaches, NBA fans and players that even included the current captain of Nepal's men's team, and a former player of the Bangladesh men's team.

From the importance of building relationships with players, the fundamentals of playing with space, steps taking by NBA teams towards safeguarding the mental health of its players, the ‘Great Debate' of Jordan vs LeBron James, Jenkins answered all questions patiently and in-depth.

"It's going to be an interesting, unique, new opportunity, and I'm excited, as long as it's safe," Jenkins said, when asked about the strong possibility of the NBA 2019-20 season resuming in end July.

The webinar was co-hosted by Shivam Patel of Patel Pick and Roll Sports alongwith Vinod Muthukumar of Sportz Village Academies, in collaboration with Ekalavyas Consultancy Pvt Ltd.

The free webinar, which had received over 180+ registrations from coaches across India, Nepal and Bangladesh, saw over 70+ participants simultaneously tuned in during the peak of the call.