New Delhi: The Indian para athletes performed brilliantly in the recently-concluded Tokyo Paralympics 2020, winning 19 medals including a record five gold medals. This is India's best ever performance in the history of the Paralympic Games.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday met and interacted with the entire Indian contingent and praised them for overcoming adversities. During the meeting, PM Modi congratulated the players for their victory and at the same time boosted their morale. He told the players that he gets inspiration from their performances.

In a video posted from PM Modi's official Twitter account, he can be seen interacting with the Indian Paralympics contingent when he hosted them at his Delhi residence.

"I get motivation from you all, your performance will boost morale of sporting community. Your achievement will significantly boost the morale of the entire sporting community in the country, and budding sportspersons will feel encouraged to come forward to take up sports. This performance has led to awareness about sports that is increasing by leaps and bounds in the country," Modi told the entire contingent, according to news agency ANI.

"A true sportsperson does not get bogged down by defeat or victory, and keeps on moving forward. You all are ambassadors of the country, and you have increased the prestige of the nation on the world stage through your remarkable performance," said Modi.

India finished 24th in the Tokyo Paralympics 2020 medal tally. This time India had fielded its biggest contingent of 54 athletes at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, winning a record 19 medals while performing brilliantly. These 19 medals include 5 gold, 8 silver and 6 bronze medals.