Dismissing all the allegations leveled on him by wife Hasin Jahan, an emotional Mohammed Shami made an appeal through ABP News of resolving all the disputes and get back to his family as soon as possible.

In a heartfelt emotional interview with ABP News, Shami tried to clear the air and resolve the matter with his wife Hasin Jahan.

“I’m devastated, the allegations came as a shock to me, I will still stand as a wall to protect the image of my wife and daughter. I don’t think anybody can understand what I’m going through right now. I can only hope that she understands my side of the story and resolves it,” Shami told ABP News in an exclusive interview.

“My only concern is the well being of my family. I want my family to be together at any cost. I will do all possible things to win their trust back.”

“Whenever I think about the allegations, my daughter’s face comes up in front of me. I want her to be secured, I worry about her future, her well being. She is only two and a half years old. If not anything else then I want things to get back to normality for her,” said an emotional Shami, struggling hard to hold back his tears.

Shami’s wife, Hasin Jahan publicly shared screenshots, claiming Shami had extra-marital affairs with multiple women on March 6. Later on she also accused Shami and his family of physical and mental assault, going to the extent of lodging an FIR with the Lalbazar Police Station in Kolkata.

“I still don’t hold her wrong. She is under someone's influence and is being brainwashed. We often fought in the past but sorted it out as well,” Shami said.

Shami, who hasn’t been in any touch with his wife after the startling allegations, said things changed in a matter of three-four days.

“Everything was fine. She bid me goodbye with a broad smile before I left for Dharamasala for the Deodhar Trophy. That’s why it baffles me more. I want to know what happened it a matter of three-four days that she came up with such strong allegations, not only against me but also my entire family.”

Shami’s wife even charged him of accepting money from a Pakistani girl and questioned his integrity towards his country. To support her claims, she also released an audio clip  in which she is interrogating Shami about a girl called Alisbah.

Shami however, dismissed everything and demanded thorough investigation. “Whether it is me in the audio clip or not can be cleared later and it will be cleared once investigations are done with. If I had taken any money then it must reflect in my transactions. So  I would request everyone to wait for the investigations,” Shami said.

Speaking on the match fixing allegations, Shami said he would prefer to die than betraying his country.

“I have always played with my heart, given more than 100% every time I walked on to the field. I have huge respect for the security personnel guarding our border. I always think about their hardship. I would prefer to die before even thinking about something even remotely close to match-fixing.”

The 27-year-old fast bowler, who has been scrapped off BCCI’s central contract is also in danger of missing out on this year’s IPL after Delhi Daredevils have thought about reviewing his contract.

"I have full faith in BCCI. I'm not at all worried about the central contract. After reviewing everything, I will accept their decision." Shami added.

Here is the full interview