New Delhi: The Narsingh Yadav doping controversy got murkier on Monday with his roommate at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) centre in Sonepat, Sandeep Tulsi, also testing positive to a banned substance.

It does not look a simple doping issue, there seems to be plot and sub plot behind what Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) called a huge conspiracy.

If one goes by what WFI president Brij Bhushan Singh said at the media conference, the whole drama seems to be a plot straight from a Bollywood thriller.

It has scheming party, plot to destroy rival’s career without blood and gore, alleged a woman official and some small-time workers in the SAI.

As one scribe remarked that it is a high time that SAI officials move quickly to get this “controversial” story patent before any enterprising Bollywood director hijacks this plot to make it a sizzling crime thriller.

Coming all guns blazing in favour of Narsingh Yadav, WFI chief Brij Bhushan Singh vowed to get to the bottom of the conspiracy. “We will go to any length to find out the real culprits. I informed the Government, minister concerned and top sports officials, the moment I came to know of the NADA result.”

A visibly anguished WFI chief hinted at the alleged involvement of a woman official of the SAI and some kitchen staff in the canteen of the Sonepat centre beside some sportsperson and officials.

Singh did not name the official but said, “We will like to have a full probe into this whole sordid affair.”

He quoted some media channels who apparently talked to the kitchen staff and showed them admitting that some substances was added to the “dal” being prepared there.

“The federation believes Narsingh is innocent. Injustice has happened with him and we are hopeful he will get justice. I will try my level best to help him get out of this problem so that he can represent India in 74kg in the Olympics and win a medal.

“Narsingh has a clean record and it would be foolish to jeopardise his career by taking a banned substance just days before the Olympics.

“It is our duty to protect him and all our wrestlers. His record is clean. He is someone who never shied away from dope tests.”

Singh then went on to say that “the wrestler had complained in writing to us that a conspiracy has been hatched against him and the entire nation and I believe him because he has nothing to do with the substance.”

Singh claimed that SAI Director General Injeti Srinivas had offered Narsingh the option to shift to his native place in Maharashtra for training in view of the threats but the wrestler did not accept this option because he never expected anybody stooping so low to hatch such a conspiracy.

Echoing his chief’s sentiments, WFI assistant secretary Vinod Tomar said, “The fact that Narsingh's roommate at the camp has also tested positive for the same substance, it clearly looks like a foul play. Both the wrestlers were consuming the same supplements as they were roommates. It raises suspicion."

"There was a high quantity of steroid in the sample, which is hard to believe. It seems like a deliberate thing. Why would anyone take such high dose," he asked and then added, “only these two guys have failed it and this clearly indicates that something is wrong.”

Interestingly, after Sunday’s sarcastic tweets, two–time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar changed his stand saying the dope scandal, is "unfortunate".

"very unfortunate 2 see the Wrestling go through this. I hv given my life to ot (sic) & wl always support fellow wrestlers," Sushil tweeted above a 20-second video message.

, "I wanted to win a third medal for India but for the past one month, I have been away from preparations for Olympics. I have instead been supporting my fellow wrestlers in the hope that they would bring a medal for the country." He said

On the other hand sports minister  Vijay Goel tried to play down the whole controversy saying “I hope justice will prevail and no innocent will suffer ”

Buoyed by WFI’s unflinching support, Narsingh Yadav on Monday demanded a CBI probe into the doping scandal which has jeopardised his participation in the Olympics

He alleged that a conspiracy has been hatched to deny him participation in Olympics. "There should be a CBI inquiry. The whole episode relating to my selection had gone to court. There was a CID report that my life is under threat. All this makes it clear that I have been framed so that I could be stopped from going to Rio," Narsingh said.

"I have given my complaint to the federation in which I have made it clear that something could have been mixed in the food that was prepared at the mess. It is a conspiracy against me," he added.

The wrestler, who will get a chance to plead innocence before the NADA panel here on Wednesday, said, "I am hopeful that everything will be clear soon. I have got 100 per cent backing of everyone. I am still hopeful of going to Rio."