The Delhi High Court on Friday "reserved orders" on the plea challenging direct Asian Games 2023 entry of wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia by the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) ad-hoc, without going through the trials. The High Court will pronounce its judgement tomorrow on the plea moved by wrestlers Under-20 World Champion Antim Panghal and Under-23 Asian Champion Sujeet Kalkal. “Heard. Reserved. Pronouncement tomorrow via VC,” Justice Subramonium Prasad said, as reported by @LiveLawIndia Twitter handle.
In the petition filed in the Delhi High Court by Antim Panghal and Sujeet Kalkal, the top wrestlers said that while they have "been working really hard to clinch their position", Phogat and Punia were given direct entry in Asian Games 2023 even without them participating in the national camp or in any competition this year.
Earlier on Thursday, the Delhi High had asked the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) ad-hoc panel to explain before it why wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia were exempted from the Asian Games 2023 trials.
Justice Subramonium Prasad asked the sports body to file its response during the day.
"If it (basis for selection) is just, fair and reasonable, it is the end of the matter," said the judge as he listed the matter for further hearing on Friday.
During the hearing, the court asked the counsel for the ad-hoc WFI panel to state what was the basis for the selection besides Phogat and Punia being good sportspersons.
"The petitioners do not doubt the merit of the two wrestlers whom you have selected to represent the country…but what they are saying is that past performance alone can't be the basis of selection," the court said.
"What is the basis for selecting people other than the fact that they are good sportsmen, have you done any kind of a selection process?" it asked.