Wrestler Sangeeta Phogat, younger sister of Dangal Girl Geeta and Babita Phogat, tied the knot with Padma Shri Bajrang Punia on Thursday. The wedding took place late Wednesday night in village Balali in Charkhi Dadri district. The number of guests were limited due to Coronavirus infection prevention guidelines. After marriage, both the stalwarts of the wrestling field were quite happy and seemed excited to start a new phase in life.

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Taking to micro-blogging site Twitter, Sangeeta wrote, "You Complete Me. Soulmate for life. A New chapter of Life Would be Full Of love and Happiness." Punia also tweeted pictures from the event.

Bajrang Punia And Sangeeta Phogat Gets Married, Took '8 Pheras'

Bajrang Punia, a native of village Khudan and a wrestler currently living in Sonipat, arrived with only 31 baraatis to take Sangeeta's doli to her house on Wednesday night. A total of 50 to 60 guests were called from both sides in village Balali. After all family, social, folk traditions related rituals such as lagna, gorwa, ghuchadhi, varmala etc., Sangeeta and Bajrang took 'eight pheras' instead of seven.

The eight 'phera' was dedicated to the girl child as they vowed for the 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao'.

Here's Some Pictures From The Haldi Ceremony