Pakistan cricket team's star batsman Imam-ul-Haq, who is also the nephew of former Pakistan captain and chief selector Inzamam-ul-Haq, revealed how nepotism allegations on him affected him mentally when he made it to the national team.

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The star opener, who made his debut in 2007 against Sri Lanka, scored a sensational ODI ton and also became the second Pakistani opener ever to attain the unique milestone in his first-ever ODI game.

"When all of this started happening, I would have my meals all alone. It was my first tour and you know how it can get on the first tour. And whenever I would open my phone, there were people tagging me on social media posts or sending me stuff. I was very disheartened and couldn't understand anything," Imam told former India cricketer Deep Dasgupta on his ESPNCrincinfo chat show Cricketbaazi.

"I stopped talking to my family because I didn't want to put them under any pressure that I'm facing problems. I switched off and handed both my mobile phones to my manager, and said, ‘I can't take this, please take them off me.'

"I remember crying in the shower for hours that I haven't even played yet. It's very easy for young players to get surrounded by self-doubt. The only thing running constantly in my mind was that I haven't even played [for the national team] yet, what if I play and don't perform well? Then my career will be over. I wouldn't step a foot out of my room, fearing people might trouble me outside, because there is a large Pakistan community in Dubai."

Imam played the third match of the series. "We were living in Dubai, and from there we had to travel to Abu Dhabi on the match-day, which is a two-hour drive. So we had to leave around 11am-12pm for the match and I got his (Arthur's) message at around 9.30am, which I still remember, ‘Immy, it's your time, be ready and good luck,'" said Imam.

"After that, I don't remember anything. My mind was completely blank. I was hoping he hadn't messaged me. He shouldn't have. Because my confidence had hit the rock-bottom and I was feeling so low that I felt I won't be able to perform in the match.

"I was focussing less on the match and more on what would happen after. What if I couldn't perform? My career will get badly affected and everyone will say they were right to criticise me. Because the media was only discussing my inclusion in the side."