The Twitter drama between Sanjay Manjrekar and former England skipper Michael Vaughan has reached another level altogether. It all started with Ravindra Jadeja’s tweet on the former Indian batsman after which Vaughan came into the scene.

The Englishman kept on poking Manjrekar thereafter and finally, got blocked by the latter on social media.

Here’s the entire episode:

Jadeja and Manjrekar have been in the news in recent times after the latter called him a ‘bits and pieces' cricketer and the same didn't go down well with Jadeja as he asked the cricketer-turned-commentator to respect players.

Jadeja had tweeted: “Still I have played twice the number of matches you have played and I m still playing. Learn to respect ppl who have achieved.i have heard enough of your verbal diarrhoea.@sanjaymanjrekar (sic.).”

But going into the semifinal, Manjrekar had picked Jadeja in his team and that saw former England skipper Vaughan pull his leg. But Manjrekar was quick to shut him down.

Vaughan had responded to Manjrekar's tweet and wrote: “I see you have picked that bits and pieces cricketer!!!”

Manjrekar then replied to Vaughan's tweet, saying: "‘Predicted' my dear Vaughan...not ‘my' team."

Later on the semi-final day, Manjrekar predicted another Playing XI that doesn’t feature Jadeja.

However, the left-arm spinner took the field against the Kiwis and bowled an amazing spell, clinching the wicket of Henry Nicholls.

Meanwhile, Vaughan though to poke Manjrekar a bit more and wrote, “Bloody hell Bits & Pieces can Spin it”.

A couple of hours later, Vaughan got a special gift from Manjrekar which was…

The former England captain also said, his "life is now sorted" after being blocked by Manjrekar.