Indian star wrist-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal posted a picture on Instagram with Australian veteran Andrew Symonds. Chahal mentioned the Aussie star all-rounder "Symoo Uncle" and said that “some friendships are not diminished by time and distance. Always great to see this guy."

Chahal, failed to find a spot in India's playing eleven against Australia in all the three T20I matches.

Recently, Andrew Symonds revealed how the 'monkeygate' incident during the home series against India in 2008 triggered his downfall in international cricket and even led to bouts of "binge drinking".

Symonds accused Harbhajan Singh of calling him a 'monkey' in the Sydney Test, a claim that the Indian spinner denied. The infamous incident led to Harbhajan being banned for three games but it was overturned after the Indian team threatened to pull out of the tour.

The 43-year-old recalled how the entire episode affected him.

“From that moment on that was my downhill slide. I started to drink heavily as a result of it and my life was starting to dissolve around me,” Symonds told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

“I felt the pressure and the weight of dragging those mates of mine into the cauldron of this cesspit that should never have got to this sort of point where we felt guilty.

“I was dealing with it the wrong way. I felt guilty that I'd dragged my mates (teammates) into something I didn't think they deserved to be involved in.”