Dhawan-Pant show stole the hearts of the fans and the match as Delhi Capitals defeated Kolkata Knight Riders by 7 wickets on Friday. Meanwhile, Pant was spotted having a great time with Shikhar Dhawan's son Zoraver which reminded of Pant-Paine “babysitting” incident that occurred during the third day of the Boxing Day Test between India and Australia.

During the Test match in Australia, Paine wanted to distract the young Indian wicketkeeper and trolled him over MS Dhoni's return to the ODI side. Since Pant hadn't found himself in the squad, the Australia captain asked Pant, “Do you babysit? I can take my wife to the movies while you watch the kids,” and the entire conversation was captured in the stump mic.

Recently, Pant was spotted having fun time with Dhawan's son Zoraver.