Former Indian captain MS Dhoni was spotted playing volleyball with members of his Territorial Army battalion in a video that has gone viral on social media on Saturday. Dhoni started serving his regiment, (106th Battalion (Parachute Regiment) of the Territorial Army) on Friday. Dhoni was bestowed an honorary rank of Lt Colonel in the Territorial Army in 2011 and has also qualified as a paratrooper having completed five parachute training jumps.

Dhoni will be staying with his 106 TA Battalion (Para) till August 15 and undertake duties with the troops, Army officials said.

The Territorial Army is a reservist force that draws on civilians who can do short stints to assist the military. Dhoni will be doing a 15-day stint with the Rashtriya Rifles' Victor Force engaged in counter-insurgency operations.

He will be taking on the duties of patrolling, guard and post duty and would be staying with the troops, the army had said in a statement.

Dhoni was not included in India's ongoing T20I series against the West Indies or the ODI series in the Carribean that follows.