In a shocking incident, a cricket coach was shot dead in Sonipat district of Haryana while returning home on Tuesday. Sumit Budhwar died on spot after being shot five times by two bikers, prompting the police to launch an immediate investigation of the matter.

Sumit, who joined as a cricket coach at Pratap School in Kharkhoda barely two months ago, was returning home after a regular practice session with the students when two bikers fired at him in front of the school and fled from the spot.  

Sumit’s family members claimed he had no animosity with anyone and there was no way he could have been murdered so mercilessly in front of his own school. Sumit  was a resident of Rohtak’s Kharkhoda village.

“He was shot while by 2 youths while returning from home. Three bullets were fired on his head, one around the waist and the last one on his chest. So far there are no suspects but we can only give further updates after the investigation,” said Kharkhoda police inspector Wazir Singh.

The entire locality along with the school authorities are in a state of shock after the murder of Sumit.