The third Test match of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy at the Holkar Stadium in Indore finished inside three days as Australia beat India by 9 wickets on Friday. This was the third Test match on the trot that finished within three days in this series. However, when the Indian captain Rohit Sharma was asked to respond to the matches finishing well within the five-day period, he gave an interesting response.

The 35-year-old first pointed out that Test matches getting over within three days is not a unique trend in India as the same has been happening in South Africa and Australia. He then referred to the Test series in Pakistan and said that matches which lasted for five days were described as "boring."

"What can I say about that, people have to play well for the Test match to last for five days. Games are not lasting for five days even outside India, yesterday in South Africa the game got over within three days and Australia also in the first Test match," Rohit said at the post-match conference.

"It's about the skills, if the pitches are helping the bowlers so the batsmen have to try and test their skills. It is not about making sure that we are sure that if we are playing on flat pitches and the results are not coming. In Pakistan as well in the three-match series, the people said the Test matches to be so boring. Hence, we are making it interesting for you people," he added.

Australia's victory implies that they have now secured a berth for themselves at the WTC final. India will now have to win the final Test match in Ahmedabad to set up a WTC final against Australia failing which they will have to depend on the result of the matches between Sri Lanka and New Zealand.