New Delhi: The heart-breaking news of actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death came as a huge shocker to many, including young cricketer Digvijay Deshmukh, Sushant's co-star from his debut movie in Bollywood Kai Po Che. The movie was released in the year 2013 and Deshmukh then played the role of a building cricketer being mentored by Rajput’s character, Ishaan.

Digvijay is now taking the initial steps toward success as he now has is a part of the IPL franchise Mumbai Indians. The franchise took to photo-blogging platform Instagram to post Sushant's picture with Digvijay and also wrote a beautiful message along with it.

In real-life also, Sushant wanted the young star to become a professional cricketer and during the shoot, Digvijay had promised Sushant of only meeting him once he becomes a professional cricketer. Just when he thought that he’d fulfil his promise, the lockdown was announced, making it impossible for him to travel from Pune to Mumbai.

“He was passionate about cricket. On the last day of the shoot, I had promised him I’d not meet him till I became a decent level cricketer. This year, when I got selected to play for Mumbai Indians, I decided to meet him but then the lockdown happened and now he is no more,” Deshmukh told Hindustan Times, and added, “I wish the lockdown wouldn’t have been there, at least then I would have been able to fulfil the promise I made to him. I failed to do so,” said Digvijay.

Sushant committed suicide by hanging himself in his flat in Bandra, Mumbai. There has been a huge controversy on social media about the reason behind his move.