Senior Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan recently opened up about his relationship with his son Zoravar. Notably, after his separation with Ayesha Mukherjee, Dhawan has been forced to stay away from his son. Dhawan revealed that he wrote a post on his son's birthday last year with a hope that he might end up reading it. The 38-year-old talked at length about his relationship with son and his emotions in a latest episode of a podcast.
"I was not in pain. I was just expressing my thoughts. It has been five months, since I have spoken to him, I was just expressing emotions. I am an emotional guy and I was just trying to send love to him, because If i will be sad while thinking about him that negative energy will got him," he told Humans Of Bombay.
"I never realized that this post will go viral. I just wrote it from my heart. I wrote it with a hope that in an era of technology my son might end up reading my post," he said.
"Wherever he is, I hope he is happy hopefully one day he would come and seem me. I am in love with him but at the same time I am also detached. I don’t want to push him," the left-handed batter who will be leading Punjab Kings (PBKS) in IPL 2024 said.
"I write messages to him everyday, I don’t know whether he is receiving those or not, whether he is reading it or not. I don’t have any expectations. I have accepted it. I am a father and I am trying to do my duty. I miss him,. I feel sad but I have learnt to live with it," he said.
Shikhar Dhawan To Play In IPL 2024
Dhawan will ply his trade for Punjab Kings (PBKS) in IPL 2024. He will continue to lead the team this year after being retained by the franchise before the mini-auction. Dhawan has been out of the national reckoning for a while now, last donning India colours in December 2022.