Sakshi Dhoni has been pretty active on the social media. Recently she came up with a witty reply to a fan's question related to her cricketer husband MS Dhoni.
The photo sharing application, Instagram recently introduced a new feature which allows its users to throw a question, wherein they can interact with each other in a unique way. Following the trend, Sakshi posting her latest Insta story and gave a chance to the people out there to ask her whatever they wanted.
(Courtesy: Instagram)
Soon, her followers came up with a plethora of questions and Sakshi not only answered them perfectly but also shared on her handle.
A fan went on to ask who she finds more difficult to handle, her daughter or husband. Sakshi, in her reply, clearly exhibited that she has turned witty in answering such questions just like his husband MS Dhoni.
Here’s the post:
(Courtesy: Instagram)
Well this was not the only interesting one. Here’re some more witty replies from Mrs Dhoni to her fans.
(Courtesy: Instagram)
(Courtesy: Instagram)
Then came a moment when Sakshi had to keep her phone aside because her followers seemed in no mood to stop asking questions.
(Courtesy: Instagram)
Now just imagine what would happen if MS Dhoni himself use thi Instagram feature. His phone is going crash, for sure!