In the latest series of developments in concern with Sachin Tendulkar's 51st birthday, an old video has resurfaced on the internet. The video is the Master Blaster's first ever interview, which was taken by Late Tom Alter. The video has been posted on Instagram by a user named "wokevichaar". Sachin Tendulkar's career was at its initial stages when the interview was taken and the then little maestro had many things to say.
"You think you wanna wait for few years," asked the interviewer, Tom Alter.
"No, ofcourse I will be happy," replied a young Sachin Tendulkar.
"So you think this is the right time to go. You don't think you are too young? So many people are saying that Marshal is so fast and Ambrose and you would have trouble facing. What do you think?" asked the reporter.
"No, not any trouble to face much," replied a confident Tendulkar.
"You prefer facing fast bowlers?" asked the reporter again.
"Yeah always," said Sachin Tendulkar with a smile.
"What is the reason for that?" asked the reporter who was very much keen on to learn the thinking and perspective of a teenage Sachin Tendulkar.
"I like to play fast bowlers because ball comes straight on to the bat," replied Sachin.
What followed later was history, as Sachin Tendulkar went on to become a legend of the format and many fans hail him as the ultimate "God of cricket". Such are his stats that it feels really unrealistic to even talk about. In ODI's, Sachin has 18426 runs with 49 centuries and 96 fifties. In Tests, his numbers are unmatched, as the Master Blaster has scored a record 51 centuries in 200 matches, with a mammoth 15921 runs.