New Delhi: S Sreesanth on Wednesday took to Twitter to announce his decision to retire from all forms of cricket. The controversial Kerala speedster, winner of 2007 T20 World Cup and 2011 World Cup, was perhaps India’s best in 2007-08 as he had the ability to trouble batters, not just with his bowling, but also through his actions. His career went downhill when his name came up in the 2013 IPL scandal. In September 2020, the ban on the fast-bowler ended, concluding a seven-year punishment that was originally meant for life.

Sreesanth, who was once considered to be a premier bowler, especially after the 2007 T20 World Cup, went down in a dramatic fashion.

Sreesanth returned to playing cricket for Kerala after his ban ended but didn’t impress many with his performance. The cricketer was back to playing cricket after trying his luck in acting, dancing, and reality shows.