PM Modi's Exclusive Interview With Indian Cricket Team: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's official X handle broadcasted the PM's exclusive intervew with the Indian Cricket Team, who are coming off a historic triumphant T20 World Cup 2024, as the nation ended it's 11-year wait for an ICC trophy. Team India met PM Modi at his residence and during the interview, Indian all-rounder Hardik Pandya shared his thought-process when bowling that decisive last over and how his life has been 'adventurous' past six months.


Here's What Hardik Pandya Said During The Conversation With PM Modi

“First of all, thank you for inviting us. I mean whatever I spoke that time was due to the fact that the past six months of my life have been extremely entertaining, topsy-turvy, and adventurous. Whenever I stepped on the field, the crowds all over India treated me with lots of ‘booing’ as they made their feelings and themselves heard pretty well. A lot of things happened and I always believed that if I had to reply, I’ll let my game talk instead of me. The only thing constant between then and now is that I was speechless back then, and I am speechless now as well, but this time, I am happy, said Hardik Pandya.

“I always believe in the fact that we are always fighting in life everyday, and even on the field, irrespective of the conditions, you must fight and not leave the battlefield because this field shows your failures, but if you keep on fighting, it will show you immense success as well. So I stood my ground, kept on grinding, and the support from everyone, be it the captain, teammates, or the coach, was always there,” he added.

“It is a blessing from the heavens that I got such luck and it was I who ended up bowling that historic last over (against South Africa in T20 World Cup 2024 final),” added the Indian all-rounder.

When PM Modi asked Hardik about what he said to Surya (on his iconic catch that changed the course of the match), a giggling Hardik Pandya had the following to say:

“When Surya caught the ball, our first reaction was we started celebrating, but all of us realised at that very moment to get confirmation from Surya whether it was a clean catch or not. He then confirmed that it is a clean take and such was the importance of the catch that it turned the course of the match, and all of our tension turned into happiness.”