The acting president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), C.K. Khanna, has confirmed that the BCCI has "no plans to shift" India's final two ODIs against Australia that are set to take place in Mohali and Delhi. Earlier, there were reports that the BCCI was considering taking the last two ODIs out of the northern region in the wake of increased political tensions between India and Pakistan after the neighbouring country violated the Indian airspace in Jammu and Kashmir.

"There is certainly no such plan to shift any of the games from their original venues. I can confirm that both ODIs in Mohali and Delhi, is happening as per schedule," Khanna told PTI.

The fourth ODI in Mohali is scheduled on March 10 while the fifth game at Delhi will be held on March 13. Saurashtra had reportedly offered to host one of the games.

He also confirmed that there has never been any discussion on shifting of venues.

"As far as a back up venue is concerned, the BCCI always has alternate arrangements in place in case a venue expresses its inability to hold a game. It was nice of Saurashtra to put their hand up but as of now, it will not be necessary," Khanna said.

(With PTI inputs)