The Navi Mumbai Police has put on high alert after messages in praise of the terror group Islamic State (IS) appeared on one of the pillars of Khopte Bridge in Navi Mumbai's Uran area of Raigad district on Tuesday, according to a report. "The messages or inscription drawn below the bridge mentions names of (Arvind) Kejriwal and (MS) Dhoni and also (Abu Bakr al) Baghdadi," IndiaToday TV quoted Navi Mumbai Police Commissioner Sanjay Kumar saying.
"We have collected all possible evidence from the spot which includes beer bottles, mugs and other things. Locals have told us that the spot is frequented by youngsters to consume alcohol but we are investigating every possible angle to find out who could have drawn the inscription," Sanjay Kumar told the news channel.
Police said that the investigation is in full swing and they were going through CCTV cameras footage installed on the nearby roads for clues.
"The messages are very detailed and also mention time and how each and every mentioned installation can be attacked. The names of personalities and politicians could be code words. So we can't take any chances. Investigations are on in full swing," a senior officer told IndiaToday.
"It may be a local playing a prank, but this cannot be taken lightly. The particular place does not have CCTV cameras, therefore, we are taking statements of people to see if they saw someone writing the messages on the pillar," another senior officer said.
Navi Mumbai on high alert after ISIS messages with Dhoni's name appear on bridge pillars
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
05 Jun 2019 04:12 PM (IST)
Messages in praise of the terror group Islamic State (IS) appeared on one of the pillars of Khopte Bridge in Navi Mumbai's Uran area of Raigad district on Tuesday.
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