MS Dhoni, the former captain of the Indian cricket team and the current Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captain, recently made a surprising appearance as he celebrated the birthday of a fan in Ranchi. Following his return to India from a vacation in Dubai with family and friends, Dhoni also attended the engagement ceremony of Rishabh Pant's sister in London last week, pictures and videos of which made rounds online. But this time around, Dhoni is seen celebrating the birthday of one of his fans in his hometown, Ranchi.

A Dhoni fan page who goes by the handle @imDhoni_fc on on January 12 (Friday), shared a video in which Dhoni can be seen celebrating the birthday of a fan. In the footage, the CSK captain is seen cutting a birthday cake to mark his special day.

Take a look at the video here:



MS Dhoni, has also started his training sessions in anticipation of the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 season. Although Dhoni is exclusively active in the T20 league, concerns about his fitness arose towards the conclusion of the previous season. However, he has worked on regaining full fitness, ensuring he is in optimal shape for the forthcoming campaign with the Yellow Army.

Dhoni Likely To Retire Post IPL 2024

While Dhoni has been a notable presence at various social gatherings since the beginning of the new year, his recent training session marks the first time this year that he has been seen actively preparing for the upcoming cricket season. With approximately three months left before the IPL kicks off, it is evident that Dhoni is approaching his preparations with ample seriousness as the veteran cricketer gears up for what is most likely to be his final season in the T20 league as a player. His form with the bat will undoubtedly play a crucial role in determining the success of the Chennai Super Kings in the upcoming IPL season.