Although MS Dhoni isn't actively playing international cricket, he managed to ignite the internet with a single video. While India's World Cup journey was expected to dominate the headlines, it's Dhoni who's stealing the spotlight. The captain of CSK is presently enjoying time in his ancestral village in Uttarakhand alongside his wife Sakshi Dhoni, situated in a village named Lwali.
The locals quickly recognized MS Dhoni and seized the chance to take a picture with the legendary cricketer. True to his nature, the CSK wicketkeeper-batsman fulfilled the villagers’ request for a photo. Dhoni's endearing gesture went viral, once again captivating his fans with his simplicity.
In numerous interviews, MS Dhoni has emphasised his love for exploring the world. However, the 41-year-old intends to explore India first before venturing to other places. Regularly visiting his hometown brings Dhoni immense peace and contentment. With no cricket plans until the IPL 2024 season, Dhoni opted to spend some time visiting Lwali village near Almora.
Sakshi Dhoni's Viral Instagram Post
Sharing the experience on Instagram, Sakshi Dhoni wrote: "Eventful day amongst all the Dhonis! Trust me there are many here!”
Since its posting on November 15, the post garnered over 100,000 likes and numerous comments. Fans were thrilled to catch a glimpse of the cricketer, knowing he rarely shares on social media despite his massive following. Many thanked Sakshi for sharing the picture, while others extended a warm welcome to Dhoni in Uttarakhand.
Regarding the CSK skipper's health, he recently underwent knee surgery and is currently in the recovery phase. As the IPL mini auction approaches on December 19, Dhoni will decide on participating in another IPL season for CSK.
The village of Lwali holds significance as Dhoni's father, Pan Singh, left there in the 1970s to work in a steel mill in Ranchi. The village, located about 75 kilometres from the Almora district headquarters, has faced migration due to infrastructure challenges.