Legends League Cricket (LLC) has appointed ICC Operations expert Adrian Griffith as its Chief Cricket Operations Officer. The former West Indies cricketer, following the T20 World Cup 2024 in the USA and the Caribbean, will lend his expertise to LLCT20 Apex Council and the technical committee. His role will involve drafting operational documents including playing conditions and the code of conduct.

Adrian Griffith, a seasoned sports consultant with over 15 years of experience in managing different facets of international cricket, is finalizing the development of cricket infrastructure in the USA for the ICC World Cup 2024 at present.

"I am thrilled to join the Legends League Cricket T20 as an Advisor and Chief Cricket Operations Officer. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the sport. I look forward to working closely with the players, officials, and stakeholders to ensure the league continues to succeed.

"Together, we will strive to create an unforgettable experience for fans and players while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and sportsmanship. Our collective efforts will make the Legends League T20 Cricket a worldwide premier destination for cricket enthusiasts. I am eager to bring my experience and passion for the game to this role and help take the league to new heights,” Adrian Griffith was quoted as saying by India.com.

Raman Raheja, Co-Founder & CEO, Legends League Cricket said, "We are one of the most professionally run cricket leagues across the globe. We have had huge success in our last 4 seasons wherein we reached out to more than 1.5 billion people across each of the 4 seasons. To further strengthen Legends League Cricket fans’ experience of watching Legends cricket, we are taking onboard Mr. Adrian Griffith. With great pleasure, we welcome him to the Legends family. As the Chief Cricket Operations Officer, he will be bringing in tremendous value to the League and help us enhance the global appeal of the IP."