The Indian Cricket Team's Instagram handle posted a picture of India skipper Virat Kohli making weird gestures just before the action commenced in the third and final T20I at Bengaluru. "Kids these days," caption of picture posted by team India's official account read. Indian cricket team fans posted some hilarious comments on the post, after seeing Virat's 'kiddish expressions'. The Indian skipper opted to bat with an unchanged Indian squad to wrap the series 2-0 vs Proteas and start the home season on a winning note.

In the second T20I, Virat Kohli emerged as the hero by playing a brilliant 72-run knock to help India trounce South Africa by 7 wickets. Not only that, the skipper (2441 runs from 71 matches) went past the record of most T20 international runs held by Rohit Sharma.

However, Kohli failed to continue his heroics in the final T20I as he got out for single figures. A wristy shot by the skipper whipped up the ball in air and Phehlukwayo showed great athleticism to grab Kohil's catch and silence the Indian fans.

South African bowlers restricted team India to 134/9 after 20 overs. Team India have now a tough task to defend 135 runs in tough conditions at Bengaluru.