The Indian Premier League (IPL) Governing Council will conduct the players' auction for the upcoming season on December 19 in Kolkata. The decision was taken in BCCI’s general meeting held in Mumbai on Tuesday. The cash-rich tournament is usually held in April-May every year and players' auction is being conducted in Kolkata for the first time. The city is the home ground of the Shah Rukh Khan co-owned Kolkata Knight Riders franchise. While the franchises were allotted Rs 82 crore each for IPL 2019, Rs 85 crore per team has been earmarked for the 2020 season. Every franchise will also have an additional purse of Rs three crore in addition to the balance in their kitties from the last auction. Delhi Capitals have the biggest balance -- Rs 8.2 crore, followed by Rajasthan Royals at Rs 7.15 crore and Kolkata Knight Riders at Rs 6.05 crore. This year's auction is the last one before the franchises disband and prepare to assemble fresh squads from 2021 at a mega auction. Funds left with franchises ahead of IPL 2020 auction:
Franchise Purse Amount
Chennai Super Kings Rs 3.2 crore
Delhi Capitals Rs 7.7 crore
Kings XI Punjab Rs 3.7 crore
Kolkata Knight Riders Rs 6.05 crore
Mumbai Indians Rs 3.55 crore
Rajasthan Royals Rs 7.15 crore
Royal Challengers Bangalore Rs 1.80 crore
Sunrisers Hyderabad Rs 5.30 crore