While CSK allowed around 12000 fans to witness their practice match at Chepauk Stadium, the Delhi Capitals (DC) have played two practice games this season at the Ferozeshah Kotla but in front of empty stands.

The decent queue outside the stadium in Delhi during both the practice games, on Sunday and Wednesday, has raised the question that why weren't the fans allowed to walk in and watch their favourite stars in action? The issue for DC is the lack of security clearance from the police.

“We too would have loved to see the fans to come in and watch the games as this is a time when the players are relaxed and they even look to interact with the fans. But the problem was lack of clearance from the police,” a DC official said.

“Security is of paramount importance and that can't be sacrificed at any cost. But in the future we will look to work this out because fans make the players who they are and we as a franchise also wish to create a loyal fan base like other teams,” he added.

Delhi Capitals CEO Dhiraj Malhotra also spoke about how the team is looking to work on building a fan base like some of the other franchises in the cash-rich league.

“It is the first season for us (JSW has become co-owners this season) and the biggest thing is to build a big fan base. There is so much diversity that it is very difficult to create that feeling of belonging for the team. We do wish to do very well and we have the team to do well. We are stressing on performance and building a fan base. We want the people of Delhi to feel that this is their team,” Malhotra said.