The upcoming 4th match of the India vs Australia T20 International series is scheduled to commence at 7 PM IST on December 1 (Friday) at the Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh Stadium in Raipur. However, there are concerning reports indicating that a significant portion of the stadium remains without active electricity due to unpaid bills since 2009.

As per an NDTV report, the Raipur Stadium is burdened with an outstanding bill of Rs 3.16 crore, resulting in the disconnection of its electricity supply five years ago, in 2018. To accommodate the shortage, a temporary connection has been established specifically in the stands and corporate boxes upon the request of the Chhattisgarh State Cricket Association. However, this temporary setup only covers the spectators' gallery and boxes. Consequently, for the match today, floodlights will need to rely on a generator for illumination.

Previously in 2018, during a half-marathon event, participants realised the absence of electricity supply at the stadium. It was then revealed that the unpaid power bill had accumulated to ₹3.16 crore since 2009.

Responsibility for the stadium's maintenance was assigned to the Public Works Department (PWD), while the remaining expenses were meant to be covered by the Sports Department. Both departments have been engaged in blame games over the unpaid power bill issue.

Despite receiving multiple notices from the electricity company, neither the PWD nor the Sports Department has cleared the dues. Since the disconnection in 2018, three international cricket matches have been hosted at the stadium. However, the unresolved electricity issue continues to pose challenges.

Expressing doubt about hosting international matches, Chhattisgarh State Cricket Sangh media coordinator Tarunesh Singh Parihar highlighted the need for alternative arrangements like generators for significant events.

"As far as the stadium lights are concerned, I don't know how much bill is outstanding but a temporary connection has been taken in the name of CSCS," mentioned Mr. Parihar.