Harsha Bhogle, the Indian broadcaster who is known for his insights on cricket, suddenly finds himself as the subject of media headlines after a clip featuring his views on Virat Kohli has surfaced online. The cricket commentator can be seen suggesting that in T20 cricket, sometimes Kohli getting out, can in fact be beneficial for his team despite him being one of the greatest of the game. Even though the video seems edited and is a part of the longer interaction he was having, which Bhogle himself later claimed in his defense, the clip has already gone viral in cricket fan circles.

"Virat Kohli is a great example. Virat Kohli is playing Test cricket for India and he isn’t supposed to get out. Now, he goes to play for RCB, for India; beyond a certain point, it might actually been the interest of the side for him to get out. How do you reconcile to the fact that I am one of the greatest who have played the game but actually at this stage, it’s in the team’s interest that I get out because the person who is coming in will probably hit 20 of 6 balls. Viral Kohli is an extreme example," Bhogle can be heard saying in the video posted by news agency PTI.

Bhogle, however, later asked PTI to share the full video. 

"This is an example of what I was talking about with social media. The video is cropped just before the point where I say that Virat is capable of playing across situations but that I was only highlighting how even the greatest players have to keep adjusting demands and priorities. Come on  @PTI_News I am sure you can do better. With selectively edited reporting, nobody will be able to articulate thoughts again. Can you put out the whole clip please?," he posted on X.

Take a look at the video here:

Virat Kohli Continues To Be Unavailable For IND vs ENG Series

Meanwhile, Kohli remains unavailable for the ongoing Test series against England. While he had earlier cited his unavailability for the first two Test matches, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) later said that he would continue to be unavailable for the remainder of the series due to personal reasons. There has been no word from Kohli or his family on his time away from the game.