Two Delhi U-23 players were on Friday asked to return home by the Delhi & Districts Cricket Association (DDCA) for allegedly misbehaving with a female staff of a city hotel on the eve of their CK Nayudu Trophy tie against Bengal.
The players in question are Kuldeep Yadav and Lakshay Thareja.
Speaking to IANS, DDCA secretary Vinod Tihara said that the matter is being looked into. "I wasn't there, but Sanjay Bhardwaj was there, will get a fair idea once he returns to Delhi tonight. But the boys have been called back and the matter is set to be looked into by a disciplinary committee," he said.
Another official said that it is a case of the two players misbehaving with a couple of women in the team hotel. "While they are claiming that they were only talking loudly in the corridor and knocked on a couple of doors in a playful manner, there is more to it and needs investigating and the players might be suspended for a lengthy period of time," he told IANS.
Delhi U-23 Players In Trouble For Misbehaving In Kolkata Hotel
Updated at:
28 Dec 2019 12:36 PM (IST)
DDCA secretary Vinod Tihara said that the matter is being looked into. Another official said that it is a case of the two players misbehaving with a couple of women in the team hotel
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