New Delhi: Cricket Australia on Wednesday came down heavily on former captain Steve Smith and his deputy David Warner slapping the duo with a 12-month ban for hatching and their involvement in ball-tampering row.

Co-conspirator Cameron Bancroft was also given a 9-month ban for his involvement in the scandal.

But ban is not the only sanction that the tainted trio is facing. Revealing the details of the investigation report Cricket Australia found the trio guilty in multiple charges. Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft were found breaching Article 2.3.5 of the CA Code of Conduct. The report stated that the conduct of players

(a) was contrary to the spirit of the game;

(b) was unbecoming of a representative or official;

(c) is or could be harmful to the interests of cricket; and/or

(d) did bring the game of cricket into disrepute.

In accordance with the CA Code of Conduct process Steve Smith and David Warner have been barred from playing all international and domestic cricket for next 12 months while Bancroft faces a suspension of 9 months.

Apart from suspensions, Smith and Bancroft will not be considered for team leadership positions for another 12 months after the completion of their respective terms. Their consideration post the period, will be conditional on acceptance by fans and the public, form and authority among the playing group.

'Chief plotter' David Warner faces a life ban from team leadership positions.

Though all three players have been allowed to play club cricket but the trio will be required to undertake 100 hours of voluntary service in community cricket.