Hours after suspending IPL Chairman and Uttar Pradesh Cricket Association (UPCA) Director, Rajiv Shukla’s close aide on corruption charges, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has ordered a probe into the matter. Board’s acting president CK Khanna will constitute a committee within 48 hours, to investigate the matter related to corruption in the selection of players in UPCA.
The committee will be led by a commissioner, who will investigate the corruption issue and submit reports within 15 days.
Mohammed Akram Saifi, Indian Premier League (IPL) chairman Rajeev Shukla's close aide who has been accused of demanding bribes and favours for including a player in the Uttar Pradesh junior cricket team, will remain suspended till the enquiry is on.
On Thursday, a Hindi news channel had telecast an alleged phone conversation between Akram Saifi, an executive assistant of Shukla, and cricketer Rahul Sharma in which Saifi is heard seeking favours in "cash and kind" to ensure Sharma's selection in the state team.
As far as the rules are concerned, the Rule 32 of the BCCI regulations states that any complaints of misconduct are to be decided by a commissioner, who will be appointed by Board President C K Khanna in this case.
The commissioner is mandated to submit his findings within 15 days, which will then be passed on to the BCCI's disciplinary committee. The Board's Anti-Corruption Unit chief Ajit Singh said the audio tapes are being sought from the channel and will be examined.