The Delhi & District Cricket Association's (DDCA) new Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) met for the first time on Wednesday and sacked the present senior and junior selection committee, including its chairman Atul Wassan.

The DDCA had only two days back appointed Robin Singh Jr, Parwinder Awana and Sumit Narwal as the new CAC.

It has to be noted that on November 29, the association ombudsman – Hon’ble Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed – had ordered that there will be no change of selectors while relieving Rajat Sharma off his duty as DDCA president. However, the newly-founded CAC has taken the decision against the previous order.

On the other hand, Wassan said that it was actually good that he had been removed because he didn't really wish to continue after the change of regime and the way matters are being handled by the current officials in the association.

“There are issues which are untenable. Things are being done in an arbitrary manner and I wasn't happy with it. Just because the regime has changed they are doing things unilaterally. We all know what is at play and what is the locus-standi of the CAC. What is the rule behind it? As if these guys have only played cricket. They want puppet. It was going to be a train wreck. They realized they would have had problems if they had to continue with me and that is why they have done it. It is good riddance for me,” he smiled.

The senior selection committee comprises of Bantu, Chetan Nanda and Anil Bhardwaj. The junior committee comprises of Ashu Dani, Karan Dubey and Pradeep Chawla as per the DDCA release. Sanjay Bhardwaj was the convenor of the meeting.