After Indian hockey striker Mandeep Singh was hospitalised late on Monday night, owing to a dip in his oxygen level; the Sports Authority of India decided to shift the other five players, team captain Manpreet Singh, Jaskaran Singh, Surender Kumar, Varun Kumar and Krishnan B Pathak to SS Sparsh Multi- specialty hospital in Bengaluru on Tuesday afternoon, as a precautionary measure.
All six players tested Covid positive during SAI's mandatory Covid test, upon arrival at the National Camp in NCOE Bengaluru, which starts on August 20.
The decision to hospitalise them was taken so as to ensure that the players were attended to at all times and could be given the best possible treatment. All six athletes are in good health and recovering well.
Mandeep is asymptomatic but was hospitalised at the SS Sparsh Multispeciality Hospital in Bengaluru on Monday night after his blood oxygen level dipped.
"The Sports Authority of India decided to shift the other five players, to SS Sparsh Multi-speciality hospital in Bengaluru on Tuesday afternoon, as a precautionary measure," the SAI said.
"The decision to hospitalise them was taken so as to ensure that the players were attended to at all times and could be given the best possible treatment. All six athletes are in good health and recovering well.", said SAI
According to SAI, the players contracted the disease, in all probability, while travelling to Bengaluru from different parts of the country after a month-long break. Their vitals medical parameters are being checked four times everyday, the SAI stated.
Meanwhile, all the women players have tested negative and are on track to resume training.
All Six Covid-19 Positive Hockey Players Shifted To Hospital In Bengaluru As Precautionary Measure
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
12 Aug 2020 11:45 AM (IST)
All six players tested Covid positive during SAI's mandatory Covid test, upon arrival at the National Camp in NCOE Bengaluru, which starts on August 20.
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