Mumbai: Team India Test deputy skipper Ajinkya Rahane on Friday took to Twitter to ask his fans about their preference when it comes to eating "vada pav". The star batsman will be seen back in action during India 'A' four-day game against New Zealand between February 7 to 10.

"How do you like your vada pav? 1. Vada pav with chai, 2. Vada pav with chutney, 3. Just Vada pav," Rahane said in a tweet.

India cricketing icon Sachin Tendulkar replied, saying: "I like my Vada Pav with red chutney, very little green chutney & some imli chutney to make the combination even better."

On Thursday, Rahane had shared a photo of his wife Radhika Dhopavkar, Rohit Sharma and his wife Ritika Sajdeh with a caption saying: "2020: Dinners filled with conversations about our daughters & parenting."

Tendulkar had earlier revealed that he relishes a spicy 'vada-pav'. "I and my son (Arjun) love to eat vada-pav at Shivaji Park Gymkhana and there is nothing that can beat this snack, laced with 'chutney'," he had said in an interview to a Marathi news channel way back in 2011.

(With agency inputs)