Leicester: After winning the FA Cup Final against Chelsea on Saturday, Brendan Rodgers, the Leicester City (LCFC) manager said that the club owner, Khun Top took away the FA Cup Trophy with him and spent "the night" with it. Top, who is the owner of the Foxes is always involved with the team. After winning the FA Cup Final for the first time, Top was seen rejoicing with the Leicester City players. 

Leicester City defeated Chelsea by 1-0 in the FA Cup Final. This was Leicester's first-ever FA Cup Trophy. Brendan Rodgers in a press conference said, "He (Khun Top) was able to take it away and spend the night with it (FA Cup Trophy) and I am not sure when It will return, but it will return for sure."

Top has always been enthusiastic about the club and doesn't shy away celebrating with the team. Even after the win on Saturday, he was seen with the players.

At the press conference, Rodgers said how much the FA Cup Trophy meant for Khun Top and also his deceased father, the previous owner of LCFC.

“It's the first time we had this trophy that he and his father really wanted to win. I was aware of that, so just to share that joy and see him so happy, after having been through so much. Everyone has seen the tragedy and he's had to get on with his life and live with that. So to give him that level of joy and happiness made me feel very good," added Rodgers, the manager of Leicester City since February 2019. 

“To see him be with the players and to enjoy that moment thinking of his father, that was a really special, emotional time. That we could give him that happiness after so much sadness was a special feeling.

From a personal perspective, having lost my father and knowing probably what he had been through - from the very first time we met that brought us really close together," said Brendan Rodgers. 

Leicester will face Chelsea again on Tuesday in the Premier League. It is an important game for keeping Leicester's Top 4 hopes alive. 

Chelsea vs Leicester will be Live Streamed in India on Disney+Hotstar from 12:45 am IST on Wednesday.