New Delhi: Sleep is essential for all people, particularly for teenagers because of the significant development their bodies undergo during their formative years. But most teens are not getting enough sleep, a new study has found.

73% Of High School Students Getting Insufficient Sleep

According to data from the American Academy of Pediatrics, 73 per cent of high school students are getting less than the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep each night.

Lack of sleep causes poor mental health, poor academic performance, and behavioral problems. 

Now, new research from the Brigham Young University has found that insufficient sleep also increases the risk of weight gain and other cardiometabolic diseases among teenagers, including high school students.

What Makes Teens Getting Insufficient Sleep Susceptible To Weight Gain

Teens have worse dietary habits when they sleep less, making them more susceptible to weight gain.

The study, conducted at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, in Cincinnati, US, was recently published in the medical journal, SLEEP. The United States National Institutes of Health (USNIH) supported the research.

Dr Kara Duraccio, lead author of the study, said that shortened sleep increases the risk for teens to eat more carbohydrates and added sugars and drink more sugar-sweetened beverages than when they are getting a healthy amount of sleep, according to a statement issued by Brigham Young University.

The researchers analysed the sleeping and eating patterns of 93 teenagers during two sleep conditions as part of the study. One of the conditions was spending six and a half hours each night in bed for one week, which is termed as short sleep. The other condition was spending nine and a half hours each night in bed for another week, termed healthy sleep.

The scientists measured the caloric intake, macronutrient content, food types, and the glycemic load of foods consumed by teens.

The teenagers undergoing short sleep consumed more foods that were likely to spike blood sugar fast, the study found. For instance, foods which are high in carbs and have added sugar, or sugary drinks, caused a rapid spike in blood sugar in teenagers who consumed them in larger quantities when they had short sleep, compared to when they were in healthy sleep.

The changes mostly occurred late evening. Also, teens getting short sleep ate fewer fruits and vegetables across the entire day, compared to those getting healthy sleep.

Duraccio said that getting less sleep did not cause teens to eat more than their peers getting healthy sleep. Both groups consumed roughly the same amounts of calories of food, the difference being that insufficient sleep caused teens to eat more junk, she added.

The researchers suspected that tired teens are looking for quick bursts of energy to keep them going until they can go to bed. As a result, they are seeking out foods that are high in carbohydrates and added sugars, Duraccio explained.

The teens in short sleep consumed 12 extra grams of sugar each day, the study found. 

Most Teenagers Do Not Get Sufficient Sleep During The 180 Nights Of A School Year

Since most teenagers do not get sufficient sleep during the 180 nights of a school year, an additional intake of 12 grams of added sugar each day could result in more than 4.5 pounds of extra sugar each year, the study said.

Duraccio said that getting enough and well-timed sleep should be at the forefront of researchers' efforts to discover preventative strategies or interventions to increase optimal weight in teens. 

Why It Is Difficult For Teenagers To Maintain A Healthy Sleeping Schedule

It is difficult for teenagers to maintain a healthy sleeping schedule, because teens are busy with rigorous academic schedules and a lot of extracurricular activities, according to Duraccio. Combined with early start times for school, these rigorous schedules have resulted in short and ill-timed sleeping patterns.

Duraccio said that it is human nature to think that when we have a long to-do list, sleep should be the first thing to go or the easiest to cut out. However, people do not recognise that getting enough sleep helps them accomplish their to-do list better, she said.

Duraccio explained that sleep health should be incorporated into all prevention and intervention modules for child safety.