New Delhi: Otto Wichterle, the Czech chemist who invented the soft contact lenses, was born on this day in 1913. Today's Google doodle pays tribute to Wichterle.

His invention proved to be a boon for millions around the globe — around 140 million people in the world are said to wear contact lenses. 

The Google doodle shows a single piece of contact lens on his fingertips. The light reflected in the background, to form the Google logo, is representative of eyesight.

"Happy birthday, Otto Wichterle—thanks for helping the world see eye to eye!" Google wrote in a message. 

Wichterle, A Resrarcher All His Life

Born in Prostejov, the Czech Republic (then, Austria-Hungary), Wichterle had been enthusiastic about science since childhood. He received a doctorate in organic chemistry in 1936 from the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT). 

During the 1950s, he taught as a professor at ICT as he simultaneously worked on developing an absorbent and transparent gel for eye implants.

However, he was pushed out of ICT due to political turmoil in the country. But he continued his work on refining hydrogel development at home. 

Wichterle wore glasses. He produced the first soft contact lenses in the world in 1961 using a ‘Do It Yourself’ apparatus. The apparatus consisted of a child's erector set, a bicycle light battery, a phonograph motor, and homemade glass tubing and molds. 

Wichterle owned countless patents, and he had been a researcher all his life. This led to him being elected as the first President of the Academy of the Czech Republic, after the country was established in 1993.

The Inventor Of Soft Contact Lenses

Wichterle is most well-known as the inventor of contact lenses. His innovations led the foundation for state-of-the-art medical technologies such as "smart" biomaterials. 

Smart biomaterials are used to restore human connective tissues, and bio-recognisable polymers. Smart biomaterials have inspired a new standard for drug administration.

Wichterle died on August 18, 1998.