Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (IIT Guwahati), have developed a cost-effective method to design a special semiconductor. This semiconductor can enhance the efficiency of electric vehicles, high-voltage transmission, traction, and industry automation, among other power electronics. An advantage of the semiconductor is that when it is used in high-power devices, the appliances will be able to perform efficiently even at temperatures as high as 200 degrees Celsius. 

According to a statement released by IIT Guwahati, the researchers optimised a gallium oxide semiconductor. Dr Ankush Bag, Assistant Professor, IIT Guwahati, who led the research, said, “Power semiconductor devices are the heart of every power electronic system and function primarily as efficient switches, toggling ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ to condition incoming power from the grid to be used by the end-user. For emerging high-power applications, there is a demand for compound semiconductor materials with an ultrawide bandgap.”

Power electronic systems are key to managing and controlling the flow of electricity. They are crucial for converting electrical energy from both renewable and non-renewable sources into a form compatible with end-user applications in terms of voltage, current and frequency. 

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However, some losses will always be incurred when the electrical energy passes through a typical power electronic system. Researchers globally have been working on improving the efficiency of power electronic systems using materials like gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC). But these have limitations, especially in terms of cost, for high-power applications.

“The main challenge was to make thin and smooth films out of the material. After multiple trials and rigorous study, we optimised the gallium oxide semiconductor and incorporated it with tin to improve and modulate its conductivity. We have successfully developed superior quality ultrawide bandgap compound semiconductors and fabricated two terminal devices. The applications of this technology extend to electric vehicles, high voltage transmission, traction systems, and industrial automation,” Dr Bag said.

He explained that a key challenge of this research was creating a thin gallium oxide film on a sapphire substrate, deviating from the common use of gallium oxide substrates. This shift enhances cost-effectiveness and thermal performance, addressing issues related to the expense and poor thermal conductivity of gallium oxide substrates.

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