Full Moon Dates 2024: The full moon has captivated human imagination since time immemorial. This celestial body, brightening up the night sky, has been a constant in our lives, weaving itself into the very rhythm of life on Earth. From agricultural calendars, to spiritual practices, to religious festivals, the full Moon's regular appearance serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of time.

Historically, full moons were crucial for early agricultural societies that relied on lunar cycles to decide sowing and harvesting times. In a world without modern technology, the phases of the Moon served as a celestial clock, and were used in navigation and timekeeping. 

Culturally, the full Moon has been the muse for poets and the subject of countless stories, symbolising everything from romance and fertility to madness and mystery.

In one calendar year, you can see at least 12 full Moon nights. Each full Moon, appearing full for about three days, carries its own unique charm and name.

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Full Moon Calendar For 2024

January 25, 2024 - Pausha Purnima, Wolf Moon

February 24, 2024 - Magh Purnima, Snow Moon

March 25, 2024 - Phalguna Purnima, Worm Moon

April 23, 2024 - Chaitra Purnima, Pink Moon

May 23, 2024 - Vaishakh Purnima (Buddha Purnima), Flower Moon

June 22, 2024 - Jyeshtha Purnima (Vat Purnima), Strawberry Moon

July 21, 2024 - Ashadha Purnima (Guru Purnima), Buck Moon

August 19, 2024 - Shravana Purnima, Sturgeon Moon

September 18, 2024 - Bhadrapada Purnima, Corn Moon

October 17, 2024 - Ashwina Punrima, Hunter’s Moon

November 16, 2024 - Kartika Purnima, Beaver Moon

December 15, 2024 - Margashirsha Purnima, Cold Moon

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How To Enjoy Full Moon Experience

A full Moon provides an opportunity to reconnect with nature. Here are some tips to make the most of your full Moon viewing:

  • Choose a scenic spot away from city lights with a clear view of the horizon for an unobstructed view.

  • Plan your night after ensuring it will be a clear night without any weather will-related disturbance, to avoid disappointment due to cloud cover.

  • Use a telescope or binoculars to observe the Moon’s craters and surface details.

  • Photography enthusiasts can experiment with different settings to capture the Moon’s beauty.

  • Be part of events especially curated for full Moon nights. Watching the Taj Mahal bathed in moonlight is one such experience.