Indian-origin astronaut Sunita Williams, along with fellow crew members, faces an extended stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS) due to persistent glitches in the Boeing Starliner spacecraft they travelled in. Initially scheduled to return on June 26, the return journey has been postponed indefinitely as NASA and Boeing engineers continue to investigate technical issues.

The Boeing Starliner, making its debut mission, has encountered multiple setbacks, including delays in its launch due to issues with the Atlas 5 rocket and countdown computer malfunctions. However, the most pressing concerns revolve around helium leaks and thruster failures detected after its rendezvous and docking with the ISS.

According to a CBS News report, NASA and Boeing have opted to extend the Starliner's stay at the ISS to allow for comprehensive analysis and testing. The space agency is planning to set a new landing target date after holding a formal re-entry readiness review.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program manager, Steve Stich, emphasised the cautious approach: "We are letting the data drive our decision-making relative to managing the small helium system leaks and thruster performance we observed during rendezvous and docking." Stich also highlighted the necessity of a thorough review process akin to past missions, such as SpaceX's Demo-2, which did not encounter similar complications.

The challenges primarily stem from the Starliner's service module, which houses critical systems like thrusters and solar cells. These systems are crucial for manoeuvring and power, but the module is jettisoned before re-entry, complicating the examination of technical issues post-mission.

ALSO READ | Astronaut Sunita Williams Breaks Into Impromptu Dance As Starline Capsule Docks At Int'l Space Station — Video

Astronauts Not Stranded, Can Undock And Return, Officials Say

Despite the setbacks, officials affirmed the astronauts were not in immediate danger as Starliner commander Barry "Butch" Wilmore and co-pilot Sunita Williams are cleared to undock and could return promptly if a station malfunction or other issue necessitates a quick departure. CBS News reported officials as saying that the astronauts are not stranded in orbit.

"We are strategically using the extra time to clear a path for some critical station activities while completing readiness for Butch and Suni's return on Starliner," Stich added, as quoted by the report.

The Starliner mission, already trailing four years behind schedule, faced delays prior to launch due to issues with its Atlas 5 rocket and countdown procedures. Post-launch, additional helium leaks and operational anomalies further extended the troubleshooting phase in orbit.

While NASA aims to certify the Starliner for routine crew rotations to the ISS by early next year, uncertainties remain about meeting this deadline amidst ongoing technical evaluations.