Karwa Chauth 2024: Karwa Chauth is considered one of the toughest fasts. Only women have the right to observe this fast. In India, women celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm, as it strengthens the bond of love between husband and wife. Let’s take a look at the traditional aspect of this festival.

ALSO READ: Karwa Chauth 2024: Check Moonrise Timings And Other Details For Your City

The Traditional Form Of Observing The Karwa Chauth Fast

According to the Narad Purana, Purvabhag, Chapter 113, the Kartik Krishna Chaturthi is referred to as 'Karka Chaturthi' (Karwa Chauth). This sacred fast is specifically for women. The traditional method is described as follows:

  • A woman should bathe, wear clothes and ornaments, and worship Lord Ganesha. In front of him, she should place ten pots filled with delicacies and, with a pure mind and devotion, dedicate them to Lord Ganesha.

  • While making the offering, she should say, "May Lord Kapardi (Ganesha) be pleased with me."

  • After that, she should respectfully distribute the pots to married women and Vedic Brahmins according to her wish.

  • Later at night, after the moon rises, she should offer Arghya to the moon in the prescribed manner.

  • To complete the fast, she herself should eat sweet food.

  • A woman should observe this fast for 16 or 12 years and then conclude it with a formal ritual. After that, she may discontinue or, if she wishes for continuous good fortune, she may continue the fast for her lifetime. There is no other fast in all three worlds that brings as much fortune to women as this one.

Draupadi Also Observed The Karwa Chauth Fast

The mention of Karwa Chauth is also found in Vratutsav Chandrika 8.1, page 234 (Bharat Dharma Press). It states that once, when Arjun went to Mount Giriraj, Draupadi contemplated, "Here, various obstacles are present, and Arjun is not here. What should I do now?" Reflecting on this, Draupadi meditated on Lord Krishna. Upon His arrival, Draupadi folded her hands and prayed, "O Lord! If there is an easy way to attain peace, please tell me."

Listening to her, Lord Krishna replied, "A similar question was once posed by Parvati to Lord Shiva, who answered her by revealing the Karwa Chauth fast, which dispels all obstacles."

In the city of Indraprastha, resonating with the sounds of the Vedas and Vedangas, there lived a learned Brahmin named Ved Sharma. He had a wife named Lilavati and seven sons, along with a daughter named Veeravati, who was endowed with all auspicious qualities. When the time came, he arranged for Veeravati’s marriage to a distinguished Brahmin.

One day, this girl observed the Karwa Chauth fast according to the rituals, but as evening approached, she was tormented by hunger, causing her great distress. Seeing his sister so troubled, her brother climbed to a high peak and illuminated the sky with a shooting star. Mistaking this for the moonrise, Veeravati concluded her fast and offered arghya. As a result, her husband died instantly.

Veeravati was overwhelmed with grief at her husband’s death and maintained a fast without food for an entire year. When the next Karwa Chauth arrived, Indrani, the queen of heaven, along with other celestial goddesses, descended to the earth. Seizing this auspicious moment, Veeravati inquired about the sudden death of her beloved. Indrani explained, "Ending the fast without offering arghya to the moon caused your husband’s death. If you perform the fast correctly now, your husband can be revived."

Veeravati faithfully followed the rituals of the fast, and Indrani sprinkled water on her deceased husband, bringing him back to life. Veeravati enjoyed lifelong happiness with her husband. This is why Krishna told Draupadi, "If you also observe this Karwa Chauth, all your obstacles will be removed."

Sootji stated that when Draupadi performed this fast, the Kauravas, including Duryodhan, were defeated, leading to the victory of the Pandavas. Therefore, women wishing for prosperity and abundance should undoubtedly observe this fast.

The Learning That We Receive

The general observance of this fast can be found in almost all countries, but it is particularly prominent in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, and among the Rajputs. Just as other fasts have undergone transformations, this fast has also incorporated some imagined elements. This is because it is not conducted strictly according to classical methods but rather follows traditional practices, and the original narrative has been blended with fictional stories.

The right to observe the Karwa Chauth fast is reserved exclusively for women. In our Sanatan Dharma, women hold a special place, as stated in the Manusmriti (3.56):

Yatra nāryastu pūjyante, ramante tatra devatāḥ;  
Yatraitāstu na pūjyante, sarvāstatrāphalāḥ kriyāḥ

Meaning: "The deities reside in places where women are honoured, and where they are not revered, all good deeds become ineffective. Therefore, always ensure that women's dignity is not being disrespected."

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