'The Modern-day Maharaja' meets the 'God of cricket'
The master blaster and Arjun were seen having a gala time with Jinder Mahal as Arjun indulged in a selfie spree with the wrestler.
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View In App‘The Modern-day Maharaja’, Jinder Mahal landed in New Delhi on Saturday morning and straight away met with the god, albeit the one with bat hand – Sachin Tendulkar.
The WWE Live event will feature Mahal, who will take on former Universal champion Kevin Owens.
Mahal also presented Sachin a Modern-day Maharaja T-shirt and invited the father-son duo to his main event.
The WWE champion, who is here to be a part of WWE live event scheduled at Indira Gandi International stadium on December 8, met Sachin Tendulkar and his son Arjun.
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