IN PICS: Chinese photographer shares weight loss journey of his family on Instagram
NEW DELHI: Chinese photographer named Jess shared a series of photographs on Instagram which showed the grueling six-month journey of weight loss. (Image: xyjesse)
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View In AppThis series of impressive before-and-after photos show how the family went on this journey. (Image: xyjesse)
Later, his mother decided to move in when his wife got pregnant to help around the house. (Image: xyjesse)
Jesse initially thought of going on the weight loss journey on his own. (Image: xyjesse)
He then invited his father, who was struggling with alcoholism. (Image: xyjesse)
Initially the weight loss journey was meant to last from 10th March to 30th September. (Image: xyjesse)
Now, they have accepted it as a lifestyle change. (Image: xyjesse)
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