This 2-Year-Old Has Just Months To Live, His Dad Creates Lab To Make Medicine Not Available In China
But Xu is determined to do anything to give his two-year-old son a fighting chance even after his friends and family told him that what he was trying to achieve is impossible. (Photo Courtesy: AFP)
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View In AppThe only medication that can help two-year-old Haoyang's rare condition and ease symptoms cannot be found in China. Haoyang is suffering from Menkes Syndrome. According to the organisation Rare Diseases, one in 100,000 babies are born with the disease all around the world. (Photo Courtesy: AFP)
But Xu's son has just months to live but instead of losing hope, the desperate father began researching and teaching himself pharmaceuticals. (Photo Courtesy: AFP)
But Xu, who has only high school education, created a home laboratory in his father's gym to create a remedy for the boy himself. (Photo Courtesy: AFP)
The amateur chemist gives his son a daily dose of homemade medicine, which gives the child some of the copper his body is missing. (Photo Courtesy: AFP)